Ad for After-Dinner Comedy gigs, 1940s probably (Soemo family collection)
Dorny's wands, when not stored in pocketbook (Soemo family collection)
Detail from Ad for After-Dinner Comedy gigs, (Soemo family collection)
The spaces of play and rules for engagement that Dorny carved out were multiple, interdependent, and designed to amplify his opportunities for learning, sharing, and cultivating the art of magic with others. Above, Dorny, with cigar, surrounded by magic and entertainment pals at a party at friend Johnny Jones' house in the 1930s. (Robert Lund Memorial Library)
(Soemo Family Collection)
Dorny and friend James, May 1981
(Robert Lund Memorial Library)
Above: Assorted business cards, membership cards, announcements of Dorny over the years
(click on cards for more details)
Young Dorny, probably early 1910s. (Soemo Family Collection)